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What types of visualizations are provided by the AI in your software?

Our software offers a variety of visualisations to help users understand their carbon emissions data.


  • Bar Charts: Visualise emissions data across different categories or time periods, making it easier to compare and identify significant areas.
  • Line Graphs: Track emissions trends over time, allowing users to see how their emissions change and identify patterns or seasonal variations.
  • Pie Charts: Show the proportion of emissions from various sources or activities, helping users understand the relative impact of different emission sources.
  • Time Series Graphs: Allow users to see emissions over specific time periods, such as monthly or annually, for different emission scopes or categories.
  • Donut Charts: Provide a circular visualisation similar to pie charts but with a hole in the middle, making it easier to compare data proportions visually.

These visualisations make it easier for users to analyse and interpret their emissions data, facilitating informed decision-making and effective carbon management strategies.